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Click on on the heading on the right for more info on choosing a planner and for the other topics see the videos below

More about

Person Centred Planning 

Thanks to others - our group is not formally connected to these organisations but they have been involved in our decision to develop the Network

We would like to thank Anne-Marie Monaghan from the Community Brokerage Network for organising the first meetings leading to the set up of our group.

Community Brokerage Network logo.png

Also In Control Scotland for providing some development time to help us get off the ground as part of their commitment to improving access to choice and control

In Control Scotland logo 2019.JPG

ILF Scotland has been involved in pressing for greater availability of planners and information for individuals and families. We would like to thank them for their input to our development

ILF Logo.png
Leaf and ILF.jpg

Copyright Person Centred Planning Network Scotland 2020



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