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Girl in Wheelchair


Are you an experienced Person Centred Planner, looking to join us?


We are a community of practice of independent Person Centred Planners working in Scotland


What We Can Offer You -


Developing our skills together –

A way to establish standards for people listed including recognising lived experience and specialist knowledge.

A baseline of confidence in the right values and an ability to plan alongside someone, not for them.


There is no set course that makes a good planner, and we value the range of skills that people bring, including lived experience. That said, planners need to have an awareness of different person centred planning tools and have had some input around the principles and the process. We are looking for a commitment to continuous improvement and sharing.


Consistency and quality–

Some joint working for less experienced planners, but this is not a group which offers to train people who have no knowledge of Person Centred Planning, but we can help you develop.


We ask for references for people who are doing this work already.

A standard for feedback from people so there is a chance to learn and also offer support if needed.


A place to list what you can offer –

A simple way to list people, where they are based, and what they offer (with contact details and photos)

A way to access a range of tools and approaches.


What We Ask From You - 


Contribution –

A commitment to help develop and maintain the promotion of Person Centred Planning, attending relevant meetings, and Third Sector groups to explain more and encourage people to be aware of it's importance. 


Trust –

The Network is independent and we believe that helping people plan is about listening as much as it is about following a process.



A commitment that everyone listed meets the following standard –

Two references, proof of any qualifications, Disclosure, and Public Liability insurance.


This helps ensure the quality of what we offer, and keeps everyone safe.


Email us at for more details



We currently meet every 3 months online at 4pm on the 2nd Wednesday of the Month. Here are the upcoming meetings -


11th December 2024, 12th March 2025, 11th June 2025, 10th September 2025, 10th December 2025




Copyright Person Centred Planning Network Scotland 2020



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